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Plant Love DAYS 1 & 2

Yesterday, our #plantlove campaign started!

Ironically enough, it was “April Fools” day. You know… the national holiday where people pull pranks on their closest friends & relatives? LOL.

Well, yesterday felt “foolish” is a sense. Why? Because it is unbelievable and humbling that we are taking steps forward to get planted in our office/storage and city of ATL/College Park. Personally, I am excited and blown away by God’s ability to provide. It does’t make sense at all.

DAYS 1 & 2 have been focused on getting the parking lot cleaned. There were many leaves, sticks, and old trash in the lot from the previous occupant. Also, we have taken these two days to get several things cut on — like power, gas, phone, and other small items. Currently, there is a little waiting period that came up unexpectedly.

We are awaiting the final inspections, and clearances for our organization to be planted in the headquarters (officially).

However, during this waiting period, I’m learning three lessons as a leader during the process. Here goes:

1) Remain focused on the bigger picture — The big picture for us involves serving, helping, and reaching people who are under resourced, under valued, and overlooked. This is our “why” behind our “what.” Nothing more, nothing less. When you stay focused on the bigger picture, it makes your process worth it.

2) Be open to grow — When you venture out to do something greater than yourself, it will demand that you grow in areas that seem uncomfortable to you at first. But, in order for your work to grow, you must continue to grow yourself. I have personally increased my listening and reading capacity (x2). Additionally, you must use every experience (in the process) as an opportunity to grow.

3) See it through — The process is uncomfortable at times, but you must have a resolve in your heart to “see it through.” This is the place where you refuse to look backwards. With the work we do with #lovebeyondwalls, we have a “see it through” mentality. Why? Because we truly value the work God has us doing.

Below is a back of the building shot! Every day in April, we are getting closer and closer to getting planted. Continue to pray that God guides our work.

