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Shorty says, “See me!”

This is our friend “Southside Shorty.” Yesterday we were able to provide him with a few meals and transportation to a local hospital.

Southside is 68 years old and says he’s been homeless ever since he was a child. Trying to survive on the streets is all he’s ever known.

After he told us back in August he walked over 60 miles, from Anniston, Alabama to the West Georgia area, we asked him if that was the hardest part about being homeless. He said no.

“The hardest part about being homeless is when people avoid me or point and laugh. I just want to be cool and meet new people out here.”

LBW Team


Below is a list of ongoing “Voiceless” screenings in Atlanta, GA and in other parts of the U.S. You are welcome to visit here often to get updated times and places as we continue to get this film out more.

LBW Team


Center For Civil & Human Rights

Atlanta, GA — August 25th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary for the first time at The Center For Civil & Human Rights at 6pm.

Lights of Liberty Movie Theater

Liberty, KY — September 3rd

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary at Lights of Liberty Movie Theater in Liberty, KY at 3pm & 5pm.

Genesis Church

Orlando, FL — September 17th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary with Genesis Church in Orlando, FL at their 10am service.

West Ridge Church Staff 

Atlanta, GA — September 20th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary at West Ridge Church in Dallas, GA at their staff meeting.

Atlantic Station — Midtown Bridge Church

Atlanta, GA — September 24th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary with The Midtown Bridge Church in Atlanta, GA at their 10am service (in Atlantic Station)

Victory World Church – Fusion

Atlanta, GA — October 3rd

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary with Fusion at Victory World Church.

Covenant House Staff

Atlanta, GA — October 12th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary with Covenant House Staff.

Wheat Street Baptist Church

Atlanta, GA — October 25th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary at the Historic Wheat Street Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA at their 5pm service.

Powder Springs UMC

Powder Springs, GA — November 5th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary with Powder Springs UMC in Powder Springs, GA at 5pm.

Columbia Theological Seminary

Decatur, GA — November 16th

Love Beyond Walls will share the “Voiceless” documentary with Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA at 7pm.


Can You Feel The Excitement?

Guess what? We have teamed up with Matt Heath Music to create original score music for our documentary “Voiceless” and we are pretty pumped about it.

In fact, we are excited to announce that “Voiceless” will become a feature length documentary and will be used to educate people about the realities of the poor, cast vision of how we plan to address poverty through our “Love Center” concept, and inspire people all across our nation to get involved in their local communities through service and sacrifice.

Below is a quick picture of us working on the project in the studio. We can’t wait to start launching screenings all around our city.

























LBW Team


It's Too Cold For The Homeless!

This past weekend, we hit the streets to help transport many homeless people that were staying outside during the ice storm to warming stations around Atlanta. We were able to get over 30 individuals off of the streets, but there were a few individuals that decided remain outside in the cold.

We partnered with groups to take blankets, socks, and warming items to keep our friends warm. If you are interested in donating blankets, socks, or coats please reach out to us as we aim to serve those still sleeping outside in this weather [email us at].

LBW Team

Getting Closer – Trailer III

Love Beyond Walls stepped up to combat poverty over a month ago with #MAP16!
So far, Terence has walked from Atlanta, GA to Virginia (covering three states) to provide a voice for the voiceless, share stories of those who might otherwise go untold, and raise resources to build our very own #LoveCenter (a safe haven and resource center for those in need).

In this trailer, Terence shares his experiences, stories, and challenges us all to think about those who are poor in our country.
Get involved by sharing this video with your friends and family! Terence has 15 DAYS left before he reaches DC.

Join us on the journey and follow the conversation!

Getting Closer – Trailer III from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls – MoVe Talk

If you ever wanted to know what Love Beyond Walls is about, or wanted to learn more about our story –

Check out this MoVeTalk Terence gave at #FUSE16 about our organization! Listen. We hope this talk encourages you to do something for others!

Learn more about our organization by browsing our site.

LBW Team

MAP16 – 1 Day Away

We’re officially 1 day away from the launch of ‪#‎MAP16‬.

Tomorrow our team will make the 648 mile trek from the SCLC Headquarters in Atlanta to the White House in Washington, D.C. to reduce homelessness and raise awareness about poverty in America.
Thank you to all of our supporters and sponsors! Your support, prayers, and donations are heaven sent. It’s not too late! Visit our website for more information.

Follow the conversation #MAP16 ‪#‎LoveBeyondWalls‬ ‪#‎LoveCenter‬

LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls Reaches India

Partners make impact stronger!

We recently partnered with Northwestern Benefit to launch a computer lab in India for FIM (Faith India Ministries). It was amazing to see our mission team partners land on the ground to deliver computers and other items to serve orphans. We count it a privilege to serve kids that will use the internet for the first time in their lives. Below are a few pictures!

A huge thank you to everyone that continues to support our work locally and around the world.13782244_728531657250280_5455607477303646785_n

LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls Honored at SCLC

This past Saturday, our starters (Terence & Cecilia Lester) received a social advocacy award at the 58th National SCLC Convention for the work we do at Love Beyond Walls. The theme of the entire convention was centered around the memory and legacy of Martin Luther King’s “Poor People’s Campaign.”

It gave us great joy because in 25 days we will launch #MAP16 to give those who are suffering a voice. Get involved! Join us on the Journey!

Follow the conversation! #MAP16 #LoveBeyondWalls #LoveCenter13709895_10208801702031426_171280199834763287_n




LBW Team