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Love Feeds is Growing!

Each month, we partner with “Warehouse of Hope” to serve 300 families with groceries. This past week (Good Friday), we served over 100 families with resources and prayer.

We are grateful for the volunteers that came out to serve from Praise Academy this past Friday.


If you would like to contribute in any way, email

LBW Team

Love Feeds – Serving the community!

This past weekend, we had the opportunity to serve families in the community! Every other Friday we partner with Warehouse of Hope to resource families with hope and groceries. We call it #lovefeeds!

In addition, we are now at 88 #mobilemakeovers, and only have 187 more makeovers to go to achieve our goal of 275 for the year.


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"Man or Male" Supports Love Feeds!

This past weekend, Derrick Bailey (Principal in Cobb) dropped off several boxes of food raised from a young men’s mentoring group called, “Man or Male.”

This group shows young men the importance of having character and integrity throughout their life. We will use these donations to resource many families that are food insecure in the area where our office is located.


LBW Team