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Leader Gathering – Jan 9th

Our last leader session (for our first group) will happen on the Jan 9th! Starting in February, we are going to start a new leader class.

If you are interested in learning how to lead well in what you start, hit us up at – We are looking for 15 more leaders to train!


LBW Team


Are you looking to discover your purpose? Do you want to make an impact in the world by starting something that matters? Or, do you want to grow as a leader? If so, join us as we launch our second leadership community called “LEADERSOURCE.” This is an intentional gathering to develop those who are serious about making an impact in the world. To lean more, click “leadersource” on the menu tab or simply follow the details on the flyer below…


LBW Team



Equipping leaders to change the world around them!

This past weekend, #lovebeyondwalls trained 20+ leaders from various organizations, churches, and businesses! Each of these leaders sat in our idea room, and learned creative ways to engage the community, build a team, and leverage technology to mobilize people to serve others! Below is a picture of some of the attendees! It was truly an amazing time. Not only will we have this again before the year ends, we will launch a #leadersource podcast to train other leaders who would love to learn from our experiences and research.



Leadersource 1.0 – Saturday

This coming Saturday (20th), a small group of fifteen leaders will visit our headquarters (in College Park), sit around tables in our idea room, and learn leadership, technology/communication, storytelling, and outreach lessons we’ve learned over the last 8 and a half months we’ve been around.

We are calling it leadersource 1.0 because we believe leaders should have small gatherings that teaches, trains, and resources them with vital information to do effective work in the 21st Century. Our passion is to create idea-based environments where leaders can study and have hands-on training… This type of environment is the best way for leaders to learn, and discover ideas that will help them in what God has called them to.

If we are honest, many leaders wrestle with (in the 21st Century):

  • Not knowing their purpose.
  • Not seeing themselves as having anything to contribute to this life.
  • Thinking very little of themselves and not having access to the “secret sauce.”
  • Not knowing how they are wired and where they win.

So…….Whether it be non-profit work, church work, or a start-up small business there are unique things can be gathered from open dialogue.



First #leadersource!

Next week, we will take a lot of principles we have learned (through experience) and pass them along to other leaders (about 5-7). We want to teach leaders some of lessons we’ve learned about social media, storytelling, and launching campaigns.

How will this help? I’m glad you asked. It will help other leaders start the process of thinking through ways to make an impact in the areas they feel called to. Everyone needs a little guidance and help!

Also, I’m excited about giving the talk! If you’d like to attend, click the image below. I think we only have 3 more seats available.

